Thursday, January 29, 2009

In English

ehk inglise keeles.

Well, I would like to dedicate this post to a lovely guy living in the city of angels, Los Angeles. For some awkward reason he once decided to call me in the middle of the night on my cell phone and call me gay. He used the line of his boss and now I am hoping that he gets fired.

Other than that, I am impressed with my own life. For some reason, I would rather not elaborate, I have other places and people for that. If you would like to know the details, you have to buy me a drink or give me a good reason. Bribing me with food still works btw *hint*.

About bribing me with food...I have a lovely girl visiting me tomorrow and she said that she loves cooking and would like to whip something up. Ok, now let me get this straight. A hot redhead will come to visit me and cook too? And it is like 3rd day of being single? She also said that she would massage my back. Before you get any thoughts, I should remind you of the fact that I was not accepted to the army because of my spine being as defective as it can get. And for the past two weeks it has been feeling like someone jabbed a jagged rusty blade next to my left kidney.

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